Nursery Rhymes, Kids Games & Songs Free , Children's Songs, Fairy Tales & Nursery Rhymes

This is a list of English nursery rhymes. Hundreds of nursery rhymes, baby songs, stories for kids & games for toddlers, KidloLand has everything for kids under 5 years old. Delight your child with interactive nursery rhymes like Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Wheels on the Bus, the Itsy Bitsy Spider & more preschool & kindergarten rhymes.

Nursery Rhymes is a fabulous collection of popular traditional classics! Specially designed for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and kids of all ages. Is beautifully illustrated, animated with on tap audio visual experience and excellent sound and music quality. Develops pre-reading skills, enhances phonemic awareness.


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